Environmental and

Water Justice

I produce community-engaged transdisciplinary scholarship investigating:

The environmental justice impacts of oil and groundwater extraction 

The historical conditions of possibility for these extractive economies

Visions of well-being and futurity, in and beyond chemical contamination

How do we make these methods actively useful to environmental justice organizing work?

Environmental Harm as a More-than-Chemical Problem

“The Return of Pa’ashi: Colonial Unknowing and California’s Tulare Lake.” Vivian Underhill 2023. Open Rivers: Water, Place, and Community 24(Fall): 7-31.

”From Kern Island to the Streets of Bakersfield: Logics of Contamination, Embodied Empiricisms, and the Afterlives of Reclamation.” Vivian Underhill 2022. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience. 8(2): 1-27.

”Wildflowers and Water: Desire, Joy, and Creativity in Environmental Justice Organizing.” Vivian Underhill and Rosanna Esparza 2021. Environmental Justice 15(2): 115-120.

The Coloniality of Global Groundwater Extraction

The Coloniality of Modern Water: Global Groundwater Extraction in California, Palestine and Peru.” Vivian Underhill, Linnea Beckett, Muna Dajani, Maria Teresa de Oré, Sheeva Sabati 2023. Water Alternatives 16(1): 13-38.

Against Settler Sustainability: California’s Groundwater as a Vertical Frontier.” Vivian Underhill, Sheeva Sabati, and Linnea Beckett 2022. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 1(4): 516-538.

EPA and Environmental Data Justice

“The Environmental Protection Agency in the Early Trump Administration: Prelude to Regulatory Capture.” Lindsey Dillon, Christopher Sellers, Vivian Underhill, Nicholas Shapiro, Jennifer Liss Ohayon, Marianne Sullivan, Phil Brown, Jill Harrison, Sara Wylie, and the “EPA Under Siege” Writing Group 2018. American Journal of Public Health 108 (S2): S89-S94.

Environmental Data Justice and the Trump Administration: Reflections from the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative.” Lindsey Dillon, Dawn Walker, Nicholas Shapiro, Vivian Underhill, Megan Martenyi, Sara Wylie, Rebecca Lave, Michelle Murphy, Phil Brown, and the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative 2017. Environmental Justice 10(6): 186-192.

Public Protections Under Threat at the EPA: Examining Safeguards and Programs that would have been Blocked by H.R. 1430.” Vivian Underhill, Megan Martenyi, Sarah Lamdan, and Andrew Bergman. Environmental Data and Governance Initiative White Paper 2017.


Book Manuscript